If the above command fails, then go lower level and execute as fallback sudo dpkg -purge -force-all libboost-thread1.71. To remove only libboost_thread.so.1.71.0 you have to execute: sudo apt purge libboost-thread1.71.0 You can use the following one-liner to remove ALL occurrences of Boost 1.71: sudo apt autopurge $(dpkg -l | grep boost | grep 1.71 | awk '') If you are really understand what are you trying to do then read below. For successful Boost-based development you then have to install the following development packages:įor already installed 1.71 - sudo apt-get install libboost1.71-all-dev -reinstallįor possible 1.67 alternative - sudo apt-get install libboost1.67-all-dev When you use TAB on apt shows some results: autoclean, autoremove, changelog, depends, download, full-upgrade, install, moo, purge, remove, show, source, upgrade. Really this namespace is used in both Boost 1.67 and 1.71 which are shipped with your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS from official repositories. They should be placed in the /usr/local/lib prefix. If you have compiled these libraries manually, then you did it wrong. Such library files are controlled by APT, you should ask APT to remove such files first. I changed that to linux-image-4.4.0-185-generic during booting in Advanced Options. By default it was using linux-image-4.4.0-187-generic.

After googling, I found that, there are many linux images in my sytem. APTDISABLECOMBINATION APTDISABLECOMBINATION globally disables operator combining. APTCONFIGFILE APTCONFIGFILE specifies the path name of the configuration file. Setting this environment variable can reduce the start-up time for parallel jobs. Sudo rm -rf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_* When I ran a script to stop two services, my Ubuntu 16.4 LTS crashed. APTCONNECTIONPORTRANGE changes the way TCP ports are chosen for interprocess communication. Execution of commands like sudo rm -f /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_*