Note that if you want to be able to use your encrypted USB stick with Windows systems too, you must use the FAT filesystem. I chose to accept the default Format Options.TrueCrypt warned me that the password I chose was too short, but seeing how this is just an example I clicked Yes to confirm that I was fine with the short password.Now enter and confirm the password you want to use for your encrypted volume, then click Next.The default Encryption Options are good enough for me.Enter your password when prompted and click OK.Now we’re back at the TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard.Enter your password if prompted, then simply enter d to delete the partition, then w to write the changes to the device. In the terminal window type sudo fdisk /dev/sdb substituting sdb with the correct device name for your USB stick. This will erase any files on the device so make sure you have a backup if there’s anything on it that you want to keep. The following steps will delete the existing partition from the USB stick.Now click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.I would have though TrueCrypt would have given me the option to delete the partitions. The following error message surprised me.When prompted if you’re sure you want to encrypt the entire device, click Yes.Now the Volume Location shows /dev/sdb.Make sure you are selecting the correct device. Your USB stick may show up as a different device. My USB stick shows up as /dev/sdb, so I selected /dev/sdb and clicked OK.Next we have to choose the Volume Location.The default Volume Type is a Standard TrueCrypt volume, which is fine with me.Click Create a volume within a partition/drive then click Next. In this example I’m going to create an encrypted volume on an entire USB stick rather than the default encrypted file container.Click Create Volume to start the Volume Creation Wizard.Run TrueCrypt by clicking Applications -> Other -> TrueCrypt.The package manager will automatically download and install any dependencies as well as install TrueCrypt.When prompted, enter your password and click OK.deb file, then select Open with “GDebi Package Installer”. Using the File Browser, browse to /tmp and right-click on the TrueCrypt.The TrueCrypt installation package is extracted and placed in /tmp.Click I accept and agree to be bound by the license terms. You must agree to the TrueCrypt License.Now double-click on the extracted file and click Run when prompted what to do with the file.When the download is complete, browse to it in the File Browser, right-click on it, and select Extract Here.

To install TrueCrypt visit, scroll down to Linux, select Ubuntu – x86.deb, then click Download.This article is staying online as a historical/archived document, and should be treated as such. TrueCrypt has been replaced by VeraCrypt. Quite obviously, a lot has changed since then (including Ubuntu). Please note: This guide was originally published back in 2008.