Xpro m80 plus by smok
Xpro m80 plus by smok

xpro m80 plus by smok

Share your thoughts with other customers. Otherise the device will function like an ordinary box mod where you program wattage or voltage to output to the atomizer. Non-resistance wire like Nickel Wire must be used for temperature control settings only temperature-sensing coils will be compatible with a setting like this. The temperature control mode allows the user to pre-program a safe temperature at which to heat the atomizer or coil - this ensures that you never get a dry puff (when the wick has gone completely dry) and you can avoid by products as a result. Love to sub-ohm The Smok Xpro M80 PLUS has the ability to handle sub-ohm resistance as low as 0. With 4400mah battery capacity, it allows you to vape for a long period of time. The range for the wattage power for this device is 6W to 80W. Am I correct about that I assume that would require nickel wire but theres little info on. Smok Xpro M80 PLUS Box Mod (80W), is the latest device produced by Smoktech. Its an 80 watt box mod with what looks to be a DNA40-type temperature control feature. Temperature control is a new innovation in the world of electronic cigarettes that can actually vastly improve the safety of vaping. I stumbled across this yesterday and havent seen it mentioned here before. Country/Region: china: Company: romentic company: Categories: Stainless Steel Atomizer: Telephone: 80521: ICP License: Issued by the Chinese Ministry: Contact Now. But there’s even more goodness indicated in the Plus moniker. As you might have gathered from the name, this device can crank the power up to an excessive 80 watts. There are also a variety of other fun settings that you can play with, like a 'vaping plan' to assist you in quitting smoking. Smok XPro M80 Plus Starting up this roundup of nifty high-performance Smoktech gear is the M80 Plus APV.

xpro m80 plus by smok

It can deliver up to 80 Watts of output power with optional temperature control setting if utilizing nickel coils. Also passthrough charge compatible so you can vape while you charge your Smok M80. This device contains two non-removable lithium polymer batteries and charges with a handy micro USB charging port so you can even charge it through your computer. It features a battery capactiy of 4400 mAh that will last a long time (days for most vapers) and deliver a consistent power or temperature to produce large quantities of vapor at sub-ohm or non-resistances. This box mod features a temperature control setting, one of the newest innovations in the vaping world. New at 180 Smoke, the brand new box mod from Smok Tech, the X PRO M80 PLUS with Temperature Control. Smok XPro M80 Plus Temperature Control Box Mod The range for the wattage power for this device is. Element Vape is proud to present the latest Smok Xpro M80 PLUS Box Mod (80W), is the latest device produced by Smoktech. It has 2 built-in 18650 batteries with 4400mah. Pachamama B&W Label Sale: E-Liquids & Salts Smok XPRO M80 Plus Original dari Smok Battery Build In 0 dgn Total 4400 MAH Warna : Gray, Black, Gold Smok Xpro M80 plus ini ada Latest Production, Keluar Dari Pabrik SMok tgl 15 April 2015 Chip Temperatur Control Sudah yang TERBARU Hubungi / Messages CP untuk Ketersediaan Warna Dan Barang. Authentic Smok Xpro M80 PLUS by Smoktech has the power that fire up to 80W Watt and consists of temperature control feature.JUUL Canada - Pods - Starter Kits - Vapes.

Xpro m80 plus by smok